Monday, March 2, 2009

Trouble sleeping and motivating, but good things are on the way

It's a very busy time, and for some reason I'm feeling an acute lack of motivation. I studied today for a couple hours. Did some light(very light) cleaning and am getting ready to head to not one, but two studios. The pottery studio should have some work for me to pick up, assuming the kiln has been unloaded. I tried to unload it on Saturday but it was still about 600 degrees when I got there. After I check in there, I'm headed to the recording studio to lay down some tracks. That might be really fun. I'm having trouble sleeping at night and having a hard time waking up when I do sleep. It was going so well for about a week. Now I'm listening to a recording of Naum Gabo, Constructivist Sculptor, reading from his "Realistic Manifesto". What a weirdo. I like his work.
I'm excited for the wood firing at PCC this weekend. I've got a Saturday shift from midnight to 5am. I like the late shifts. Something about chopping wood and stoking the kiln in the still of the night is a good thing. I have some pieces for the kiln and hope it all goes well. I've worked 3 wood fires at PCC and not one has reached cone 10. I have been told that they managed to rebuild the kiln and it has been getting great results. 
There is a Anagama kiln in Astoria and there will be a workshop there in April. I'm trying to figure out how I can attend the workshop and miss a week of school and work. . . It's not really a reasonable thing.
I guess that's it for now, I'd better hit the road to avoid a bit of the traffic.

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