Saturday, April 4, 2009


We had a great week for spring. Started off by visiting my mom in Seattle. She bought us a really nice hotel room for my birthday. It had a view of Union Lake and the Space Needle. It was really nice. We had a short and very dramatic scare when my mom decided to pass a gall stone. Called 911, watched my mom writhe in pain. . . pretty lame. Luckily she started feeling better within minutes and we played poker. After Seattle, we came back to Portland for a short night in our own bed before driving to Sunriver. Sunriver is a little community that draws predominantly white middle class tourists. It's about 20 minutes outside of Bend and has a golf course and overpriced stores and boating opportunities. It's a pretty nice little place to visit for a couple of days. Sarah and Kelly were our partners in crime along with their awesome dogs. We stayed for two nights and visited some cool caves, rode bikes, ate good food and sat in the hot tub. It was very relaxing despite the fact that Kelly and I pretty much waited hand and foot on the ladies.
Now Spring Term is one week shorter. I've got a 17 credit load and am dissapointed to be missing out on a Ceramics class. It just wouldn't fit into my schedule. This term it's sculpture, math, spanish, pop culture studies and rock climbing. I'm excited to pour bronze three times! Also I am planning on participating in a kayaking seminar in May. Should be great. Oh! It's 10:30, gotta get a move on. Band practice in half an hour and I've neglected my coffee. . .

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