Friday was a very busy day! Some people at school decided to start a sculpture club. I am interested in joining a sculpture club, so I expressed interest. Well, Friday was a major training for officers of clubs. Every club had to have officers attend, and since the Sculpture Club is brand new, there aren't any officers. I received an email asking if I could attend any of the training. I was able and sat through hours of boring, informative meetings and lectures. Then, I went to Japanese thoroughly unprepared. Feeling a bit downtrodden for being such an ass in Japanese, I rode home to get ready for a hectic weekend.
Our friend's birthday was this weekend, so a bunch of us went to Rockaway Beach, Friday. The drive over was nice, with a beautiful sunset and a lot of traffic. We arrived at The Stairways to Heaven, seriously, that was what the cabin was called. It was very cool, but also very strange. There were 9 stairways in the place, since it was situated on a cliff overlooking a lovely waste reprocessing plant and the ocean. We played cards, danced and drank too many beers.
Saturday morning we had a really terrible breakfast at a local place. It took forever, the coffee was awful and the food was lukewarm. The weather, however, was wonderful and we did some walking on the beach afterwards.
Our intention was to drive down the coast to Florence and then head to Eugene from there, since I had a show last night at the Wandering Goat. After 2 hours of driving behind very slow vehicles through dairy farm scented autumn sunshine, I decided to head east to I-5. Along the way we stopped at the Casino and threw a few bucks away playing slots. I lost $4 and Tiff made $.25, pretty typical of our relationship dynamic. We stopped in at Salem and had a delicious Philly Cheese Steak sandwich, which immediately made me feel like hell. The flavor was worth feeling bad, and I took a nap while Tiff drove for awhile.
In Eugene we got to the Wandering Goat in time to visit with some old friends, and relax a bit. The show was packed, seeing as Calvin Johnson was the headliner. Afterwards, we drove back to Portland in time to get a decent night's rest in our own bed before doing all the chores, grocery shopping and homework we've been avoiding for the past few days. Had a good Valiant Arms practice today - last one before we head to NYC for CMJ. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with gear at CMJ. I don't have to take a drumset, but I need a Guitar, Cymbals and probably my Snare. . . Now I'm rambling.