Sunday, October 26, 2008

Portland, oh Portland

Today Tif and I went for a drive in my truck. It gets pretty shitty gas mileage so I almost never drive the thing. It's great for many utilitarian tasks, but the seats don't stay bolted into the chassis, the seatbelts probably aren't properly attached, and the center link is completely messed up so the steering is totally unpredictable. I know my truck and am not surprised by the crazy response of the steering wheel and I consider driving it an adventure. In addition the brakes are going out. But somebody on Craigslist was giving away a heavy duty desk, which after tacking some hardi backer to the top,  I intended to use as a wedging table. Well, the woman with the desk never called back, so after a pleasant happy hour, Tif and I went for a drive, which I guess, brings me back to the first sentence. Great, I'm redundant. I'm redundant. I'm redundant. Err, anyway, we headed to the west side of the west hills. There, we admired some mansions, more mansions, nice cars, Aston Martins(which are not even in the same ballpark as "nice cars") - I might have seen a Rolls. . . and then I saw what, to me were a blessing, AND I was in the truck - a pile of tree stumps sitting on the side of a school. They had obviously chopped down the tree and taken the smaller pieces away and maybe were headed back for the larger chunks. I've been looking for some stumps for a sculpture installation I've been thinking about. When I pulled over and started tempting a hernia by wrestling them into the bed of my pickup, the nonchalant glances at my shitty truck by passers by, reassured me that folks assumed I was "the help". 500 lbs of stump later, I returned to the cab of the truck sweating, breathing hard and with scraped up forearms found Tiffani practically hiding under the dash. She was so embarrassed that she stayed there until I managed to navigate my unruly vehicle a third of the way down a very tall hill. They are great stumps. I can't wait to use them for something relating to compartmentalization and modular consumption.
NYC was fun.
Well, that's all for now.

1 comment:

Megan said...

way to take advantage of the west side! er...hmm? poor tif.