Monday, January 5, 2009

The bad news and the new year

I am taking a ceramics class at PCC this term. I had to sign up for the beginner class, since it fit my schedule, which means no credit, but really I just want access to the kilns. I'm not sure what my focus will be this term. I was thinking about soda firing if the kiln is up and running. There were some problems with getting to temperature last winter. I feel like I should try to incorporate more of my sculptural ideas into my clay work, which is generally more functional in nature. It can be difficult to get out there in a beginning class setting. Experimental firings are hard to come by when you have to conform to certain rules set in place to facilitate safety and consistency. I've been inspired lately by the work of Brian Harper and Adam Welch. both of whom have a very rustic and aggressive style. The quality of their surfaces makes me weak in the knees.
After a couple days of really feeling bad, I'm preparing to leave for the first day of winter term. I visited Boise for about a week and while it should have been a fun trip, it was a little lackluster. Tiffani contracted stomach flu and was throwing up every 45 minutes for about two whole days. When we got back, it was still cold in Portland. Rang in the New Year at the Gardiner's house which was nice. This weekend I had the good fortune to play music with my old friend Dan McClure and a Valiant Arms practice to boot. We were given a bed frame and treated to an art opening by none other than Diane Rios. Also showing at that same art opening was Noelle McClure. The show is a collection of old and new prints by two very talented printmakers. Following the opening we had dinner with friends and Tiffani drank a lot of wine.
Unfortunately, while all of these wonderful things have been happening, I've been worrying about my Mother. She has cancer again. The doctors are trying to send her to Seattle for treatment, since it is essentially the place to go to beat cancer.
I have a 17 year old sister who would be mostly alone if my Mom leaves town, so it's looking like we'll be inviting her into our home. We've been sorting out details and planning for getting her registered at the closest high school, finding bedroom furniture and preparing mentally for the addition of some major responsibility. I'm excited to have her here and think it's the best idea. Nobody should be forced to address having a sick mother without the support of siblings.
The residue of my mother's recovery remains in the days before the new year while the ugly head of it's relapse stares into 2009. As a family we stare back at it with a violent disgust or a quiet resignation to win again. My mother's rage is evident in her voice as she tells me about absentminded doctors and the lack of a healthcare system that could save her life without crippling her financially. I'm not even sure what to say.

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