Monday, September 15, 2008

I feel like hell.
Al and I went to North last night. North is a nice bar over on Division and 50th. Last time we went to that bar, I ended up breaking into a vehicle in order to shut off a person's headlights(I didn't damage anything), losing a $65 bike lock, getting a flat tire while searching for the bike lock and walking my ass home with my bike on my shoulder. The walk home involved walking over Mt. Tabor and a flying yard art flamingo. So, I'm beginning to recognize a pattern in that a night at North with Al means danger. Last night wasn't so different. I didn't try to save anybody the trouble of jump starting their car, and I didn't get a flat tire, but I did wake up confused and very hungover. Now I have to go take my sister out for her 21st birthday.
I met up with Johnny Leach for a taco at the truck on 34th and Division. It was delicious. He got a job at a place called KO in Manhattan. There are no menus, no servers and they only serve 24 people per night. Three cooks serve two seatings of 12 people in an open kitchen. 18 courses will run $160 per person. It sounds amazing.

1 comment:

Megan said...

hells yeah that sounds amazing!

have you ever been to Simpatica? Not the same, but still a nice culinary delight or two...