Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday sunshine and sewing machines with hypnotic qualities

The sun is shining today and I'm sort of hiding from it.
Tiffani caught a happy hour with her fellow teachers last night before we met up with Kelly and Sara for a little top of the hill action. Top of the Hill is our favorite super dive bar. As we were playing some pool and drinking Coors light, I happened to look around at the clientele and was happy to note that white people were not the majority, actually if there was a majority ethnicity in the house, the margin was so slim. After a couple beers; the bartender, Bernie, was kind enough to drop off the Karaoke binders. I don't sing Karaoke, but apparently Tiff does! If you've heard Tiff sing, you know that this is hilarious. She was singing some terrible song by Shania Twain, or maybe it was Dixie Chicks or probably it was both. The bar was jumping, we were singing along with every song and getting a bit drunk. Kelly and I had Jaeger-bombs, GROSS! and DELICIOUS! and ewww. Ended the night with some chili cheese fritos and a late night walk around the neighborhood. I realized I was hungover today when I was at a yardsale and discovered that I had been staring at a sewing machine for probably 3 minutes without a thought in my head.
Tiff, Kelly and Sara had a birthday obligation today so they went and toured around the wine country in a bus with a bunch of folks. I managed not to clean a damn thing. It's a wonder they were able to drink wine at all today.

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