Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I keep forgetting the titles

More Pedro The Lion this morning upon waking up. I got a job at Portland Public Schools as a ESL tutor. Many people think that you have to know other languages to teach English as a second language. This would be helpful at times, but it's not really a requirement. Mainly one has to be comfortable communicating in English and proficient with Body Language. I hope.
I just bought a plane ticket to NYC for CMJ. A couple of years ago I bought a ticket to NY for $99 each way. Today, it was over double that price. I've heard that there is actually a tunnel that runs from Portland to Brooklyn, but I don't know where it is, which sucks, cause I could really use the savings.
I'm looking forward to playing a show this weekend. Dan Jones and the Squids are coming up from Bl(eu)jean. Pony Village is also on the bill. It's a Valiant Arms show and the posters are fucking amazing as per Rob Jones' standard offering.
I'm posting some pictures of the ride back from Race For The Cure. They were taken on my phone, which is not an iPhone(damn) and they're not very clear.

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